Ways to Keep your Kidneys Healthy ...

Ways to Keep your Kidneys Healthy ...

Kidneys are vital to your overall health. These organs are responsible for many functions, from processing body waste to making hormones. That’s why taking care of your kidneys should be a top health priority.

Kidneys are small but powerful bean-shaped organs that perform many important functions, most importantly, they filter waste products, excess water, and other impurities from blood. These waste products are stored in bladder and later expelled through urine.

In addition, kidneys regulate blood pressure, balance fluids in the body, producing urine, regulate pH, salt, and potassium levels in body, produce hormones and control the production of red blood cells.

Kidneys are also responsible for activating a form of vitamin D that helps your body absorb calcium for building bones and regulating muscle function. By keeping kidneys healthy, body will filter and expel waste properly and produce hormones to help body function properly.

Kidney disease is a common problem affecting about 10% of the world’s population, A little more than 1 in 10 Americans over the age of 20 show evidence of kidney disease, Some forms of kidney disease are progressive, meaning the disease gets worse over time. When your kidneys can no longer remove waste from blood, they fail, waste buildup in your body can cause serious problems and lead to death.

Here are some tips to help keep your kidneys healthy.

1. Keep active and fit:

Regular exercise can lower the risk of chronic kidney disease, reduce blood pressure and boost heart health, which are both important to preventing kidney damage.

2. Regular control of blood sugar:

People with diabetes, or a condition that causes high blood sugar, may develop kidney damage. When body’s cells can’t use the glucose in blood, kidneys are forced to work extra hard to filter blood. Over years of exertion, this can lead to life-threatening damage.

3. Monitor blood pressure:

Although many people may be aware that high blood pressure can lead to a stroke or heart attack, few know that it is also the most common cause of kidney damage, High blood pressure is dangerous for your kidneys because it can lead to increased pressure on the glomeruli, the functional units of kidney, In time, this high pressure compromises the filtering apparatus of kidneys and their functioning declines.

4. Monitor weight and eat a healthy diet:

People who are overweight or obese are at risk for a number of health conditions that can damage the kidneys, these include diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease.

For most people with advanced kidney disease, it’s important to follow a kidney-friendly diet that helps decrease the amount of waste in the blood,

A) Restrict the following nutrients;

Sodium, Damaged kidneys can’t filter out excess sodium, causing its blood levels to rise, It’s often recommended to limit sodium to less than 2,000 mg per day. 
Potassium, plays many critical roles in the body, but those with kidney disease need to limit potassium to avoid dangerously high blood levels, It’s usually recommended to limit potassium to less than 2,000 mg per day.
Phosphorus, Damaged kidneys can’t remove excess phosphorus, a mineral in many foods, High levels can cause damage to the body, so dietary phosphorus is restricted to less than 800–1,000 mg per day in most patients.
Protein is another nutrient that people with kidney disease may need to limit, as damaged kidneys can’t clear out waste products from protein metabolism.
B) Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, and grains such as;

1. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a nutritious vegetable that’s a good source of many nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, and the B vitamin folate, It’s also full of anti-inflammatory compounds.

2. Blueberries

Contain antioxidants called anthocyanins, which may protect against heart disease, certain cancers, cognitive decline, and diabetes.

They also make a fantastic addition to a kidney-friendly diet, as they are low in sodium, phosphorus, and potassium.

3. Red grapes

Red grapes are high in vitamin C and contain antioxidants called flavonoids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation.

4. Cranberries

Cranberries benefit both the urinary tract and kidneys.

These tiny, tart fruits contain phytonutrients called A-type proanthocyanidins, which prevent bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract and bladder, thus preventing infection, This is helpful for those with kidney disease, as they have an increased risk of urinary tract infections.

5. Kale

Kale is a good source of Vitamins A and C to prevent inflammation and protect the immune system.

5. Drink plenty of fluids:

Regular, consistent water intake is healthy for kidneys, water helps clear sodium, urea and toxins from your kidneys, It also lowers risk of chronic kidney disease.

Aim for at least 1.5 to 2 liters in a day, exactly how much water you need depends largely on your health and lifestyle. Factors like climate, exercise, gender, overall health, and whether or not you’re pregnant or breastfeeding are important to consider when planning your daily water intake.

People who have previously had kidney stones should drink a bit more water to help prevent stone deposits in the future.

6. Don’t smoke:

Smoking damages body blood vessels, which decreases the flow of blood in the kidneys, when the kidneys don’t have adequate blood flow, they can’t function at optimal levels, Smoking also increases the risk of kidney cancer by about 50 percent.

7. Be aware of the amount of OTC pills you take:

Regularly take over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication, may be causing kidney damage. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen and naproxen, can damage kidneys if you take them regularly for chronic pain, headaches, or arthritis.

8. If you’re at risk, get regular kidney function screening:

If you’re at high risk of kidney damage or kidney disease, it’s a good idea to have regular kidney function tests. The following people may benefit from regular screening, over 60 years old, who were born at a low birth weight, have cardiovascular disease or have family with it, have or have a family history of high blood pressure or who are obese. A regular kidney function test is a great way to know your kidney’s health and to check for possible changes.




1- https://www.healthline.com/health/kidney-health#test-your-kidneys

2- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-foods-for-kidneys

3- https://www.urologyhealth.org/careblog/5-ways-to-keep-your-kidneys-happy

4- https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-body/keeping-your-kidneys-healthy

5- https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/keep-kidneys-healthy#1